Pilates is movement
The idea is simple, yet profound. Pilates is a method that functions from the inside out, which sets it apart from other kinds of exercise. And makes it efficient. One must first begin by strengthening the muscles that make up what we call “the core,” “the centre,” or “the powerhouse.” These stabilising muscles allow to refine posture and maintain the trunk in an optimal position, while the muscles that move the rest of the body do their jobs. The concept of core muscles tends to minimize Pilates to a method that is ideal for getting a flat tummy before the summer holidays. But it is so much more than that, it is a whole-body exercise. It develops all muscle groups with the goal of uniform development.
No muscle group is developed whilst neglecting its oppositional group (quadriceps and hamstrings, for example). This harmonious development creates symmetry and balance, all the while lessening excess pressure on the body’s joints. Instead of working muscles repeatedly one by one, every exercise works the whole body. This approach requires concentration and attention to have the best effects and the minimize repetitions. Regular Pilates practice will increase breath capacity and improve the efficiency of the exercises, bringing with it strength and flexibility.
The six principles
The importance of the mind-body-spirit connection can be felt through the six principles that Joseph Pilates integrated into his method:
- Concentration
- Breathing
- Control
- Center or “Powerhouse”
- Precision
- Fluidity